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"Oh So Easy!": Performance Evaluation: Improving Productivity and Helping Employees Succeed


Product Description

"Oh So Easy!" Establish a Performance Evaluation System
that Doubles Productivity in 120 days.

Email us to see the full 95 slide program.

Own this "Oh So Easy" Video Training and Instructional Kit that Raises Productivity, Improves Relationships, and Moves the Ball Forward in Your Organization While It Reduces Risk.

This program is a kit with handouts and reproducible forms designed solve major issues in organizations, departments, or work units struggling with complicated, inadequate, or no performance evaluation system.

The program is 95 slides. Its purpose is to engage employees continuously, raise productivity, eliminate surprises at end of the review period, reduce hostility toward management, and eliminate dysfunction that comes from not having a consistent performance evaluation system everyone understands and engages with to unify the organization around exciting and achievable goals.

•  Are your supervisors depending solely on the quality of their relationships with employees to manage behavior, quality of work, conduct, attitude, and attendance? If so, you're productivity is circling the drain and you are created enormous behavioral risk for the organization on multiple levels. 

•  Every organization will face risk associated with lower morale, conflicts, unfair work practices, grievances, disrespect, and even workplace violence if they do not have a performance appraisal system uniformly applied across the organization. 
•  Now you've got one. We created this program and then fine tuned it after implementing it and watching its success power up an organization that was all-male, 138 employees, diverse, difficult to manage, decentralized, and all blue collar. It was loaded with multiple behavioral risk issues.
•  Serious personal problems flow from employees in work organizations with inadequate performance appraisal because of one key reason: Lack of perceived accountability and constructive urgency to produce quality work. Turning around this crisis-building and risk of a toxic work culture is what this product is all about.
•  Instituting an effective performance appraisal system to manage workforce productivity is not a complicated thing. But it is easy to do it the wrong way.
•  Correct the problem and reduce the risk with this "Oh So Easy" Performance Appraisal System and Supervisor Training Program, and you will watch productivity soar.
•  It's a snap to implement this product and we give you instructions for just how to do it. We will also give you our time over the phone if you have any questions. Its guaranteed to be powerful, effective, and a system you'll use for years to maximize employee productivity, achieve organizational goals, reduce risk, and make employees more accountable.

This program improves morale and produces a more positive work culture. Rather than be a victim of not taking action and letting problems of behavior fester,  you will get ahead of the curve with a new company-wide, department, or small work unit approach to completing tasks, objectives, and goals you will be excited to actually see achieved.

•  All of this means more workplace harmony and effectiveness. Best of all you'll discover improved relationships between leadership and staff.
•  If you're a trainer, OD specialist, HR manager, or employee assistance provider, you can now claim the high ground where no one has gone before or at least not for a long time. You'll now be engaged with a product to bring more efficiency to your organization.
•  As an HR manager, CEO, or other workforce professional, you'll soon learn about performance appraisal, become an internal consultant and train supervisors in conducting performance appraisals that empower employees, deliver fairness, motivate workers, and help them feel in more control over their work and personal achievements.
•  Performance appraisals and performance reviews are the most powerful means of helping employees maximize their potential, maintain focus on the mission, and help advance the goals of the organization. Unfortunately, few organizations have solid training for supervisors in conducting performance appraisals, and even more do not demand or require accountability to ensure their system stays implemented.

•  It is so easy. That is why we named this product "The Oh-So-Easy" performance appraisal system.
•  Do the problems and issues above sound like your organization, or could you be heading in the direction of increasing risk from lousy performance evaluations or no performance evaluation system at all?
•  If so, you will begin to witness apathy and disengageent toward the organization.

•  Many employees go for years without a performance appraisal or performance review. Resentment builds not from lack of appraisal, but its substitute--a bad relationship with the supervisor. This creates personnel problems associated with theft, conflict, abuse, behavioral problems, bullying in the workplace, violence, anger at work, disrespect, racial disharmony, employment claims, harassment, and more workers' compensation claims. 
•  Any of these problems can be associated with disgruntled, unmanaged, and difficult employees who are never are properly evaluated and therefore remain unmanaged. Eventually only crisis and threats control behavior when serious things go wrong. This is no way to manage people or an organization. You need to get off of this runaway train.
•  This program is available as a web course, PowerPoint, DVD, Flash Video. It includes handouts, instruction for learners, professional voice narration in all formats, including the web course, and all with a test and certificate of completion. The program is for training employees.
•  You are guaranteed to love this program and see an almost overnight impact from its use in your organization or your payment will be refunded in full.
•  Further, this program will help you resolve issues existing with your troubled employees, increase employee motivation to seek help for personal problems (a critical link exists between this pursuit of solutions to personal problems and effective performance appraisal), increase workplace communication, reduce on the job absenteeism, improve cooperation, and reduce resentment by employees toward supervisors.
Purchase on this page, or we can bill you later. Get this program performing its magic for your organization. Phone us with any questions 24/7.
A few topics included in this program, some of which you will not find as part of any similar program (if can even locate one!):

•  The importance of effective performance appraisals 
•  How to document poor performance so that your organization is protected from legal liability 
•  If an employee is terminated
•  How to provide ongoing feedback through coaching and counseling 
•  How to avoid common evaluation traps made by supervisors 
•  How to prepare the annual performance appraisal
•  How to properly handle employees' emotional reactions
•  Tips for conducting the appraisal session 

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