Test Questions: Section 4 of 5
Read the question(s) below and answer as requested. Click the scoring button when you are done. Answer any question again that you do not score correctly. After answering all questions correctly, rescore your test so you know all have been recorded as "correct". Then continue with the rest of the course.
1. PCP (Phencyclidine) is one of the most predictable and stable illicit street drugs because the formula for making it is easy to follow using easily obtainable chemicals.
True False
2. LSD is the most powerful hallucinogenic drug.
True False
3. Club drugs are any drugs typically associated with the "party scene" or "raves." Most are stimulants or stimulants with hallucinogenic effects. Some however, have depressant effects and are used as an aid to rape. This is typically done by placing the substance in the drink of an unwitting victim.
True False