Test Questions: Section 1 of 5
Read the question(s) below and answer as requested. Click the scoring button when you are done. Answer any question again that you do not score correctly. After answering all questions correctly, rescore your test so you know all have been recorded as "correct". Then continue with the rest of the course.
1. On average, 70 percent of people in the workforce drink alcohol. Approximately 10 percent will become alcoholics. Productivity, attendance, conduct, morale, and other personal problems will decrease the productivity level of these employees on average by about 25 percent.
True False
2. Alcohol is considered a stimulant because some people who drink it experience a stimulant effect.
True False
3. An employee with an alcohol or drug problem works at about 75 percent of his or her true capacity. This 25 percent loss in productivity is represented by increased absenteeism, accidents, property damage, higher workers' compensation costs, mistakes and waste, and increased health insurance costs, among others.
True False